Showing 1–12 of 15 results

Sand Pouring Cylinder

Original price was: ₹1,600.00.Current price is: ₹1,450.00.
The Sand Pouring Cylinder is used for determination of the dry density of compact, fine, medium grained soils and for

Soil Cone Penetrometer

Original price was: ₹10,500.00.Current price is: ₹9,500.00.
Soil Cone Penetrometer of Soil is based on the relationship between moisture content and the penetration of the cone into

Direct Shear Apparatus ( Large 50 Kn 72 Speeds )

With lever system, shear box assembly for specimen size 300 x 300 x 150 mm ,With 2 halves of shear

Automatic Soil Compactor ( Lab)

Original price was: ₹58,000.00.Current price is: ₹55,000.00.
The Automatic Soil Compactor replaces the hand compaction procedure as specified for dry density/moisture content of soil. Both light and

Consolidation Apparatus

Original price was: ₹24,500.00.Current price is: ₹22,000.00.

Proctor Compaction Test Apparatus

Original price was: ₹1,850.00.Current price is: ₹1,650.00.
Proctor Compaction Test Apparatus Proctor Compaction Test Apparatus is a fundamental requirement for the construction of earth fill for dams,

Dynamic cone penetrometer DCP

A simple and robust instrument for rapid in-situ measurement of the structural properties of road pavements  Provides fast and efficient

Unconfined Compression Tester

Unconfined Compression Tester proving ring type electrical-cum-hand operated.   Load Frame capacity 50 kn Single Speed 1.25 mm/min Three speed

California Bearing Ratio Apparatus CBR

Original price was: ₹35,000.00.Current price is: ₹32,300.00.
  • Load Frame
  • Single Speed 1.25 mm/min
  • Three speed 1.25,1.5 & 2.5 mm/min
  • Hand operated four-pillar type
  • C.B.R. Mould , 150 mm diameter x 175 mm high with extension
Color and perforated base plate
  • Made of Gunmetal
  • Made of Mild steel
  • Penetration Piston ,face diameter 50 mm with adjustable bracket
  • Perforated plate gunmetal,148 mm diameter with adjustable stem & lock nut
  • Di spacer block, 148 mm diameter x 47.7 high with detachable handle
  • Annular metal weight, 2.5 Kg 147 mm diameter with 53 mm diameter center hole
  • Slotted metal weight, 2.5 Kg 147 mm diameter with 53 mm slot
  • Metal tripod stand for dial gauges
  • Cutting collar with chromium plating
  • Crammer 2.6 Kg weight with drop of 310 mm
  • Crammer 4.89 Kg weight with a drop of 450 mm
  • Annular metal weight 5 Kg 147 mm diameter with 53 mm diameter center hole
  • Slotted metal weight 5 kg 147 mm diameter with 53 mm slot
  • High sensitivity proving ring 30 Kn capacity fitted with 0.002 mm dial gauge
  • Dial gauge 0.01 mm x 25 mm travel

Dynamic cone penetrometer DCP

A simple and robust instrument for rapid in-situ measurement of the structural properties of road pavements  Provides fast and efficient

Sieve Shaker Handed Operated

Original price was: ₹7,500.00.Current price is: ₹6,500.00.

Proving Rings

Original price was: ₹3,500.00.Current price is: ₹3,200.00.
Proving Ring (1-10 Kn) Proving Ring (20-50 Kn) Proving Ring 100 Kn Proving Ring 500 Kn Proving Ring 1000 Kn


About Us

We Secon India has been in the market since 2008, manufacturing and supplying a large range of Cement Testing Lab Equipment, Aggregate Testing Lab Equipment, Bitumen and Asphalt Testing Lab Equipment, and many more.


 At our end, the provided goods are created with high-quality materials. We provide these goods in a variety of specifications from which to pick. Customers enjoy the offered items' high strength, extended service life, precise dimensions, and low weight. Furthermore, these items are made available to customers at extremely reasonable prices.


As a quality-oriented firm, our primary mission is to provide superior products to our valued customers. The given items are designed with our esteemed clients' various wants and desire in mind, ensuring them complete pleasure. We make recruiting decisions based on an individual's previous experience, qualifications, and knowledge. Our expert team of specialists makes every effort to grasp our esteemed clients' needs and requests to produce high-quality items that meet their expectations.


Business Objectives:

Our company operations shall be distinguished by quality, innovation, punctuality, competitive knowledge, honest business practices, and exceptional customer service.


Core Values:

  • We will retain our legendary reputation as a one-of-a-kind and trustworthy organisation by:
  • In all of our encounters with clients, we strive to provide a personal touch.
  • Being responsive and dependable Organization
  • Authenticity, integrity, openness, and competence of the highest calibre


Nature of BusinessManufacturers, Exporters, Wholesaler
Number of EmployeesUpto 10 Peoples
Year of Establishment2008
Market CoveredGlobally
Name of FounderMr. Lokesh Kumar Jayant
Annual TurnoverUpto Rs. 50 Lakh